Oct 19, 2011

More footage of Richard Sensei against Kurihara Sensei from the 54 JKA All Japan Championships held July 2011.

Richard Sensei against Kurihara Sensei in the semi finals of the 54th JKA All Japan Championship held July 2011.

Richard Heselton knocks out former JKA Individual Kumite Champion with a perfectly timed Jodan Mawashi Geri at the 12th JKA World Championships in Thailand.

Long time no see!

Well, I must first apologize for not updating my blog for close to a year now. As I'm sure most of you can empathize, sometimes life gets on top of you and things end up taking a backseat, but I plan to be more proactive and start posting more stuff from now on.

11.07.10 全国大会 男子組手準々決勝 栗原一晃 対 リチャード Kurihara VS Heselton

JKA 53rd All Japan Championships Male Kumite Semi-Finals Richard Heselton

2010 JKA All Japan Inokoshi vs Richard 協会全国 猪越 対 リチャード

Feb 1, 2010

Collection for Jai Coker Memorial fund

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who contributed to the collection we had for the Jai Coker Memorial Fund on behalf of children suffering with heart conditions. A total of 20,000 yen was raised.
Thank you all again for your support.
Kind Regards,